Friday, October 25, 2013

DesperMOtivation: My New Word for My New World

"Desperate times, call for desperate measures."
                                -Michael Scott

Despermotivation is a word that I may have created, I may not have, I honestly haven't checked, nor do I intend to. For the purposes of this post I'm just going to assume that I have indeed created this word, and as it's creator, I suppose I should define it. Properly too.


1. The act of achieving sufficient motivation for a task via one's own desperate circumstance.
2. A combination of "Derperation" and "Motivation" meaning both at once.

It's a term that I've come to describe my circumstances, as well as Brad's over the last few weeks. You see, we've both been in different, yet similar instances of this state. The state of motivating yourself out of pure desperation or necessity. For Brad that's meant that everyday over the past year he's woken up and put 100% of his energy into what is now Flow Productions  (Now with a logo! But still no content, we're working on it) because in his words "It was either that, or not eating." When you've literally GOT to do something to survive it seems to really motivate you to do it.

For me, Despermotivation has come and gone at different points, my move out here was fuelled by it. But from a more artistic desperation rather than a financial one, I needed to go, otherwise I wasn't going to create. I was just going to stagnate. Now that I'm out here, I've begun to run into the same kind of despermotivation. Again, not from a financial side (I'm still pretty broke, but the kind of broke where I can pay all my bills and eat, just not buy new cool things) it's my artistic desperation that's motivating me to try new things. And, look for work, real, paying work, in some kind of field that satisfies those desires. A lofty task, I know. I've been setting myself up to look for work to replace McDonald's, and I'm about to pull the trigger, going after radio stations, TV stations, A/V companies and whatever else I can find. Really anything that doesn't involve wearing a visor. And as a somewhat lazy/socially anxious person, I've really come to rely on my Artistic Despremotivation as the key to it all. As well as the realization that the best jobs seem to rarely post want ads, and you've really got to work for them to get in. A lot of that requires networking too, something I've been poor at in the past, but it's something I'm going to have to get good at if I want to do interesting things for a living. And I do.

Despermotivation. Tell your friends, and get desperately motivated today!


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