Sunday, September 15, 2013

Yes, I'm Leaving, The Almost 100% True Facts

So, as you may or not be aware, I'm leaving Ontario tomorrow morning.  I'm going to start a production company with my friend and Lobster Inc. Director Brad Rivers. It's a big move for something that could, conceivably, be done without moving anywhere, but last november Brad and I took a trip out East to film a documentary and while we did that both of us discovered that not only is that documentary going to take a lot of time to finnish, but we also discovered how amazing Nova Scotia is and how much the arts and entertainment communities are thriving out here. So far, like most of the things we've noticed about the Maritimes, Nova Scotia's growing arts community has been flying under the radar of most of the rest of Canada. But make no mistake, it's there. From actors, to musicians, to painters, to filmmakers Halifax is a pretty substantial media hub, one that also has only three or four notable production companies in it. Our aim is to tap into that and come out strong.

For me, it's a big move. I'm leaving almost everyone I've ever known behind and going to start something fresh and new and different in a place I've only visited. But I'm looking forward to it. It's not often life gives you a chance to start again, so I'm going to take it while I can. This blog is going to be all about my trip out there and my life and what I'm doing out east (Probably also my views on Ben Affleck) so you cats back in Ontario can feel like your right here with me. Like you never have to go a week without your fix of Brisby.

I'm going to miss all of you, family, high school friends, summer friends, church friends, college friends and theatre friends, but it's time to take a leap. And I honestly don't care much how it goes so long as it leads out of Orangeville, I mean c'mon, you try living here.

This post is just a small one to let you know what's coming, tomorrow I'm leaving, at 5 am with my parents for Halifax in what I'm sure is going to be a stress and guilt free zone. I'll be sure to have a post up about how that's going, But for now I'm going ot leave you with this video of a camel running.


Love Each Other,


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